Sunday, March 20, 2011

The series of light sensitive lights

Typically this lamp are used to garden lights or street lights and other lights are similar. This lamp works automatically, because it will light up when night and will die in the daylight.
way work of this lamp is,,when the LDR exposed to light, the LED will turn on him, but if there is no light, then vice versa., At the time the weather was quite dark but there's little sunlight it receives, then the
light will light up with a light capacity lower (less bright), so the conclusion is, the less light received LDR, then the LED will light brighter, and the more light received LDR, then the LED will goes out
Shape circuit:

*R1, R2 & R3 = 330Ω
*R4 = 100 Ω
*Transistor1, Transistor2 = BC457
*LED = 3V
*Baterai = 9V
Good luck..........

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