Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Create animated text running from bottom to top with Delphi7

in this post we are still discussing about creating animations with Delphi 7,, ie animated text running from bottom to top, perhaps,, in the previous post, we have discussed about the animation-animation basic,,, which, if developed will to be a Reliable program .. or maybe we could modify it to be a useful application ...

create animated text running from bottom to top
Create a 'Form' as shown below :

Click on 'timer1', then change it property..
timer1  |           interval             |    5          |

Double click on 'timer1', then copy red text below...

procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
if(label1.Top+label1.Height)<=0 then label1.Top:=panel1.Height;

ok...now, to try this program,, click 'Run menu' or 'F9'

good luck..........

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Create animation text bouncing from top to bottom with delphi 7

In a previous post, we had discussed about making an animated bouncing text from left to right, which, the text moves from the right .. and then back again, and so on .. and now we will create an animated bouncing text from top to bottom,,
ok,,, open delphi7 applications, and create a 'form' as shown below

on the 'object inspector', change the propert (click on the component, and then look at the object inspector)
interval               --->    5    
double click on 'form', and copy the program in red below
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);

 and, double click on 'timer1', then copy the program in red below
procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
if label1.top<=0 then atas:=false;
if (label1.Top+label1.Height)>= panel1.Height then atas:=true;
if atas=true then


try the program ... click 'run' or F9. and see the result.. 
if errors, usually occurs on the program,,
good luck...... 

Create animation text bouncing from the left to right with delphi7

on this occasion, we will try to discuss how to make animations with delphi7, namely, the banner moves to the left and right, making this animation, we just use a simple program, but, with this simple program, we can develop it into a program  that is reliable , hopefully

open the Delphi application, make 'form' as shown below:

on the 'object inspector', change the propert (click on the component, and then look at the object inspector)
on form.                        
position              --->   popscreencenter      
borderstyle        --->   bsnone                        

on component
bevelliner           --->    bvlowered      
caption               --->     kosong           

transparent       --->     true                 

interval               --->    5       

on 'unit.pas', add the code 'kiri: boolean;'

double click on the 'form', then copy the program in red below ..
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);

double click on component 'timer1', then copy the program in red below ..
procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
//membuat batas arah kiri dan kanan
if label1.left <=0 then kiri:=false;
if label1.left+label1.width>panel1.width then
//membuat tulisan bergerak kiri ke kanan
if kiri=true then


to try the program ... click 'run' or F9. and see the result.. 
if errors, usually occurs on the program,,

 good luck......

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Create animations with Delphi 7

okay, now we will discuss about creating animations with delphi7 .. actually this animation,,, just a simple animation, but this is the basic stage to make the next animation,,,, and now, we will try to make animations with delphi7,,,

steps :
1. select menu>>>file>>>new>>>form.

2. select label (like letter A ).

3.  then, put on the form that we created earlier.

4. then, select the timer, system>>>timer.

Then, place it on form before.

5. select standar>>>button (that read "OK").

6. Put in the form, and the caption change to "start"

7. then type the program as below. 

      {$R *.dfm}
      procedure delay(lama:word);

its type must be located under "{$R *.dfm}"

8. Then, double click on the timer ( wich is shaped clock located in the aearlier form).
     type the program under
     procedure Tform.timer1timer(sender:Tobject)

9. Change enabled>>>false. 

10. And run application by clicking on the menu run>>>run

 if are errors, usually located on the program type, you can also change the color and other forms
according to your taste...

good luck.............

Friday, March 25, 2011

Link Exchange With Pli-it.blogspot.com

PLI-it.blogspot.com now open for a link exchange program, it also aims to strengthen ties with friends of other bloggers.

It's easy, you just put a link this blog on your blog, then, we will immediately put your blog link here:)

to exchange link with this blog, copy and paste the code below :
<a href="http://pli-it.blogspot.com/" target="_blank">Information Technology</a>
Teknologi informasi terbaru
Phone Price
Dunia Gadget
Blognya V3
Tentang komputer

TTD : Idris Syamsir

Thursday, March 24, 2011

How to make "read more" on blogspot (2)

ok .. in this brief discussion, we will discuss how to create a "read more" directly by clicking on its icon,, when we make a post, usually icon "read more" is in the menus where we make a post, images iconnya like 'a torn paper',,,
like the image below :

ok ...
1. The first log in to your blogs,
2. click new post,,
3. make the articles you want to show the in blogs veranda,,
4. after completion,, determine the position of "read more",,,(by way of directing the mouse),,,
5, click the image icon above (which like 'torn paper') .

results as shown below:

pieces of the above articles, will be displayed on the porch of  blogspot,,, and the piece below will be displayed, if we choose or click on the article ....
then click publish post, look at the results,,,

good luck,,

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

How to make "read more" on blogspot (1)

usually posts that are in the veranda is displayed in full,,, so that our posts looks a long on veranda of blog,,, this will reduce the comfort of visitors .. therefore, we need, "read more" facilities to cut post into 2 parts,,, part first shown on the veranda of our blog,,, while the second part will appear,,, when we open these postings...

the way is
1. log in to blogger.com

2. click the link layout.

3. click edit html.
4. click download full template, just in case if something goes wrong ..
5. click the Expand Widget Templates
6. in the column html,, look for the code


7. remove that code. replace with this code
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<a expr:href='data:post.url'>Read More......</a>

8. click the save button ..
9. then, click the menu / settings / formatting ...
10. post box template with this code
<span class="fullpost">

click save button,,,
 last ..
make a post,, choose edit html,,,. It will be seen that the template code we have stored previously.,, Cut posts into 2 parts. The first part, which will be seen on the veranda, put  posts above code,, <span class="fullpost">. The second section is placed after that code and before code </ span>.

publish your post,,,

good luck.....

Power supply 5 volt

To perform experiments on an electronic device that typically uses batteries, maybe a little inconvenient, because,, in addition to the charge in the batteries run out quickly, and also make us spend money to buy the battery,,,
for those who want to assemble their own 5 volt power supply, lets we try the way for making supply power...
circuit power supply 5 volt
Components :
1. Travo 2A.
2. Dioda (4 buah).
3. Kapasitor 2200µf/25 volt (2 buah).
4. Kapasitor 1000µf/25 volt (2 buah).
5. IC 7805 dan ic 7905.
Arrange the components as shown in the above circuit
Good luck.........

Monday, March 21, 2011

How to install the alexa widget in blog

alexa rank is a ranking of a blog based on many visitors,,the more visitors a blog,,then alexa value will be smaller or less...
to install widget alexa rank,,the way is :

1. open www.alexa.com..
2. click menu for site owner....and select the desired widget..
3. type the URL address..
4. click build widget...
5. available in 3 display Alexa rank ...
* button (120x95).
* vertical banner (120x240).
* banner (468x60).
6. copy and paste the html code of the selected widget....
7. then,,, copy the html code widget, .. and paste into your blog ..

good luck........

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The series of light sensitive lights

Typically this lamp are used to garden lights or street lights and other lights are similar. This lamp works automatically, because it will light up when night and will die in the daylight.
way work of this lamp is,,when the LDR exposed to light, the LED will turn on him, but if there is no light, then vice versa., At the time the weather was quite dark but there's little sunlight it receives, then the
light will light up with a light capacity lower (less bright), so the conclusion is, the less light received LDR, then the LED will light brighter, and the more light received LDR, then the LED will goes out
Shape circuit:

*R1, R2 & R3 = 330Ω
*R4 = 100 Ω
*Transistor1, Transistor2 = BC457
*LED = 3V
*Baterai = 9V
Good luck..........

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Make bouncing text from top to bottom and from left to right using the html code

previously, we have discussed about the text running top and bottom....
ok,,, now we will discuss about Make bouncing text from top to bottom or from right to left using the html code

1.bouncing text from left and right

copy the code below

<marquee behavior="alternate">Teks memantul kiri kanan</marquee>

the result

Teks memantul kiri kanan

2.bouncing text from top to bottom

copy the code below

<marquee align="center" behavior="alternate" direction="up" height="300" scrollamount="2" width="100">
Teks memantul ke atas dan kebawah

the result

Teks memantul ke atas dan kebawah

copy it to edit html not on the compose tab
good luck........ 

Friday, March 18, 2011

Make running text from top to bottom or from bottom to top using the html code

previously, we have discussed about the running text to the left and right ....
ok,,, in this post we will discuss about the Making the text runs from top to bottom or from bottom-up using html code

 1.running text from top to bottom

Copy the code below

<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="down" height="200" width="auto">
Teks bergerak dari atas ke bawah

The result

Teks bergerak dari atas ke bawah

 2.running text from bottom to top

 Copy the code below

<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="down" height="200" width="auto">
Teks bergerak dari bawah ke atas

the result

Teks bergerak dari bawah ke atas

copy it to edit html not on the compose tab
good luck........

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Make running text from right to left or from left to right using the html code

Usually running text is called "Marquee" .. marquee is used to attract the attention of visitors, or for a link ..
Okay, now we will discuss about creating a running text..using basic html code ....

1.Running text from the right and left,

Copy the code below

<marquee> text berjalan dari kanan dan kekiri </marquee>.

The results

text berjalan dari kanan dan kekiri .

2.Running text from the left and right

Copy the code below:

<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="right" height="50" width="auto">Teks berjalan dari kiri ke kanan</marquee>.

The result

Teks berjalan dari kiri ke kanan.

copy it to edit html not on the compose tab
good luck........

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Delete a file or folder without the "message confirmation"

delete a file or folder .. usually by right-clicking the file or folder and select delete,,, or by pressing the delete key on the keyboard,,, after which it would appear a confirmation message ... for example I deleted a folder of documents ... and then appear confirmation "are you sure you Want To remove the folder" documents "and move all contens it to the recycle bin?"

maybe some of us do not want a confirmation message appears,,,
way is to right click on the Recycle bin and select Properties ... then the display will appear as shown below

then uncheck the "delete confirmation dialog"  then press ok ..

after that, delete a file or folder., dialog box will not appear,,, and files or folders are automatically deleted  good luck........ 

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

create software with Delphi 7,, so that the computer / laptop shutdown automatically by determining the time

This simple software allows you to turn off the computer automatically by setting the time we give,,, for example by entering the number 3, then the computer turns off for 3 minutes ...
ok,, this time we will discuss how to make this software, using programming languages ​​delphi7 ..

   now, create a form like the image below

the picture above using
--->2 button button
--->An edit text
--->First timer

and other features that may I add just for variety,,, hehehe .....
but the point is, know the program to shut down the computer by setting time, ..

First, typing this program .. ..

setShutDownPrivilege function: Boolean;
     TTokenHnd: THandle;
     TTokenPvg: TTokenPrivileges;
     cbtpPrevious: DWORD;
     rTTokenPvg: TTokenPrivileges;
     pcbtpPreviousRequired: DWORD;
     tpResult: Boolean;

     SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME = 'SeShutdownPrivilege';
   Result: = false;

   if Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT then
       if OpenProcessToken (GetCurrentProcess (), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES or TOKEN_QUERY, TTokenHnd) then
           tpResult: = lookupPrivilegeValue (nil, SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME, TTokenPvg.Privileges [0]. Luid);
           TTokenPvg.PrivilegeCount: = 1;
           TTokenPvg.Privileges [0]. Attributes: = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED;
           cbtpPrevious: = sizeof (rTTokenPvg);
           pcbtpPreviousRequired: = 0;
           then if tpResult
             Result: = windows.AdjustTokenPrivileges (TTokenHnd, False, TTokenPvg, cbtpPrevious, rTTokenPvg, pcbtpPreviousRequired);

function Power (pwFlags: Cardinal): Boolean;
   if Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT then
     Result: = ExitWindowsEx (pwFlags, 0);
program listings for button1 (active) ..
procedure TForm1.Button1Click (Sender: TObject);
   time: integer;
if edit1.text =''then
application.MessageBox ('enter a sleep timer on off time', 'information', mb_iconinformation);
time: = strtoint (edit1.text) * 60 000;
off.Interval: = time;
off.Enabled: = true;
button1.Enabled: = false;
edit1.Enabled: = false;
edit1.Color: = clmenubar;
WindowState: = wsMinimized;

program listings for Timer1 ...
procedure TForm1.offTimer(Sender: TObject);


program listings for button 2 (Cancel)
procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);



or if you want to just try .. please download the
good luck..........................